Friday, February 8, 2013

Mother Nature is confused

It generally doesn't stay cold or dry enough in Shanghai for the plants to be anything but a rich green. Because we've gotten an unusually large amount of snowfall lately, it's been absolutely gorgeous for the past two days. Green, flowery, tropical plants with fresh snow on top is a pretty sight. These pictures were taken in my apartment complex, walking from the guard house to my building.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013


Today, I got invited to go to a spa with a TA from my school, and some of his friends. My general policy on things like this while in China has been, "Say yes, and ask questions later." I had no idea what to expect, but they told me to bring my swimsuit, so I figured it couldn't be that bad.

When we got there, we surrendered our shoes and then separated to go change before reconvening. At least, that's what I thought was happening. Turns out there were two completely separate spa areas, for men and women. Can you guess what the dress code was, for this pool/sauna/hot tub zone full of men?

a) Swimsuits
b) Towels
c) Nothing

If you guessed a) or b), you're wrong. If you guessed c)... dingdingdingdingding! Actually, that's not quite accurate. Let me rephrase:


Let me paint you a word picture. You know that one old guy/gal that's always in the locker room at any gym you go to, and they're completely confident strutting their stuff? That's how all the men were at this place. They were letting their guts hang out, sitting with their legs spread wide (WIDE) open, and bending over to lean on things while chatting with one another. Their body language didn't show a single iota of self-consciousness.

"Whatever, no big deal," I think. "I'll just wear my swimsuit. People will give me funny looks regardless."

So, I saunter out, shower, and hop in the pool with the TA from my school and his buddy. About three minutes later, an angry man comes over and tells me that if I don't take off my shorts, I'll be kicked out of the spa. With the TA translating, I explain that I'm not entirely comfortable walking around naked with a bunch of strangers, which the man finds completely bizarre, and would prefer to wear my shorts. 


After a little more conversation, I find out the spa provides disposable shorts. Huzzah! Perfect! The day is saved! Here's a picture of those shorts:


In case it's not obvious, I put my hand in them so you can see just how futile they would be:

"Well, Tom, you're out of options," I said to myself. "Fly free, and chalk it up to another memorable experience."

Honestly, after a short period of being uncomfortable, it was very relaxing. The general nonchalant attitude was infectious (hopefully that's all in that area that was infectious), and after a while I hardly noticed being naked. I still opted out of the massage, though.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Small Stars Blue

This is my youngest class. It's just as much fun as it looks!

That's some Shakespearean shit, right there. CAPTIVE AUDIENCE.

We started working on the Hokey Pokey today. It alternated between "oh hey, they're kind of getting it!" and a kid stampede.

EF Christmas

Busy preparing for the avalanche of children

Joy and Lilian, two delightful local teachers

Mrs. Morgan Claus

Lilian practicing her face painting skills on Hanna

The front entrance looking jolly

James makes a convincing elf

Tom makes a less convincing Santa

Glitter is serious business

Happy Santa!

I'm so glad this room wasn't part of my job

Look at those quality whiteboard instructions!

At an outdoor bar in Tianzifang

These lovely people sure made it easier to be so far from home during the holidays. The mulled wine didn't hurt, either.

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Creepy or flattering?

You decide! Which are these?

-A student's mother offering to let me live in their home so I can teach her child
-Students repeatedly trying to slap my bottom for fun
-Young students assaulting me with full contact hugs, oblivious to the fact that their faces are right at crotch level
-(My personal favorite) A student saying that her dream party would be "at Tom's house, because I want to eat Tom." She's 8.

Yeah, I went with creepy too.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Street food is best food

This greasy, messy, delicious pile has been my go-to meal of choice after work for the past couple months. The noodle vendor and grilling vendor operate in the same parking lot, so I combine their products. The white things on the left side are made of rice that's mushed together into a cake. After being greased up, grilled, and seasoned, it's delicious and crunchy on the outside, and satisfyingly chewy on the inside. The whole thing is incredibly substantial, for $2.50.

I just ate it and I already want seconds.